
Rebuilding SQL Server Indexes


- Check index fragmentation: average percentage, page count


- Manually set Timeout parameter

- Set counter to control session frozen time

- Sleep to release suspended sessions

- EXEC sp_who2 to check real time deadlocks

1. Background

A lot of systems have part of logic running in Database, and as time passed, data and indexes increased, and then Database performance will decrease.

One of key factor of Database performance is Index.

When data and indexes increase, the fragmentation level increase as well.

According to Microsoft article “Reorganizing and Rebuilding Indexes(https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2005/ms189858(v=sql.90))”, we should Reorganize indexes when average fragmentation is between 5% and 30%, and we should Rebuild indexes when average fragmentation is greater than 30%.

We can use below SQL to check average fragmentation of indexes which are greater than 30%:


SELECT dbschemas.[name] AS 'Schema'

,dbtables.[name] AS 'Table'

,dbindexes.[name] AS 'Index'



FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS indexstats

INNER JOIN sys.tables dbtables ON dbtables.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]

INNER JOIN sys.schemas dbschemas ON dbtables.[schema_id] = dbschemas.[schema_id]

INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS dbindexes ON dbindexes.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]

AND indexstats.index_id = dbindexes.index_id

WHERE indexstats.database_id = DB_ID()

AND indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30

--AND dbschemas.[name] = 'dbo'

--AND dbtables.[name] = 'RPV_MAGPLANBEL'

--ORDER BY indexstats.page_count DESC;

ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC;


We also need to pay attention to page count, each page stores about 8KB data, so a big page count means the rebuild time will be quite long.

2. Considerations

1) Use ALTER INDEX index_name or ALTER INDEX ALL

Use ALTER INDEX index_name ON Table REBUILD can only rebuild 1 index with a command.

ALTER INDEX ALL ON Table REBUILD can rebuild all Indexes of a Table with a command, but it require longer shut down time, because the new SQL might be suspended during the rebuild process.

2) Manually set remote timeout to avoid timeout disconnect:

EXEC sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 600 ;


Since rebuilding process might take quite long time, which could be longer than default remote timeout time, so it will be better to manually set it.

3) Set counter to control session frozen time

Even if we’re using PRINT() in SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS), the print out messages will only be showed after the whole SQL block has completed execution.

During the SQL execution, the Messages Tab is blank, so during that time we have no idea what’s going on or going wrong.

So it will be better to spilt the whole session into many small sessions, and we can use Counter to control it.

Now we change the SQL of checking index fragmentation, to order by page_count desc:


SELECT --dbschemas.[name] AS 'Schema',

dbtables.[name] AS 'Table',

dbindexes.[name] AS 'Index',



FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS indexstats

INNER JOIN sys.tables dbtables ON dbtables.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]

INNER JOIN sys.schemas dbschemas ON dbtables.[schema_id] = dbschemas.[schema_id]

INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS dbindexes ON dbindexes.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]

AND indexstats.index_id = dbindexes.index_id

WHERE indexstats.database_id = DB_ID()

AND indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30

AND dbschemas.[name] = 'dbo'

--AND dbtables.[name] = 'RPV_MAGPLANBEL'

AND dbindexes.[name] IS NOT NULL

ORDER BY indexstats.page_count DESC;

--ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC;


So for these indexes with such huge page count, we should rebuild 1 index each time.

And when page count is getting smaller, we can set counter into a bigger number.

4) Set sleep to release suspended sessions.

If we’re running multiple REBUILD operations in same session, we should sleep at least for 5 seconds in between, so the suspended SQLs will be run and released.

By using this:

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05';

5) Check real time deadlocks before and during REBUILD.

By running:

EXEC sp_who2

We can see deadlocked sessions(Status=SUSPENDED, or BlkBy IS NOT NULL), the BlkBy points to the session who caused the deadlock.

We should run REBUILD when the moment no deadlocks are found.

Another SQL to list deadlocks:


FROM sys.dm_exec_requests

WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = 'KBS_FDM' 

AND blocking_session_id <> 0;

3. Optimized SQL:


Declare @getTables CURSOR; -- Cursor to list out all indexes have frag % > 30

Declare @TableName varchar(255);

Declare @IndexName varchar(255);

Declare @command nvarchar(4000); -- Detail ALTER INDEX command

DECLARE @DT NVARCHAR(50); -- Datetime to print out

DECLARE @i INT; -- Counter

-- set remote time out

EXEC sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 600 ;




PRINT('Rebuilding Index started.');


--SET @getTables = CURSOR for SELECT name FROM sys.objects WHERE type = (N'U');

--EXEC sp_who2 -- to check existing deadlock(BlkBy)

SET @i = 0;

SET @getTables = CURSOR for

SELECT --dbschemas.[name] AS 'Schema',

dbtables.[name] AS 'TableName',

dbindexes.[name] AS 'IndexName'



FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS indexstats

INNER JOIN sys.tables dbtables ON dbtables.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]

INNER JOIN sys.schemas dbschemas ON dbtables.[schema_id] = dbschemas.[schema_id]

INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS dbindexes ON dbindexes.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]

AND indexstats.index_id = dbindexes.index_id

WHERE indexstats.database_id = DB_ID()

AND indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30

AND dbschemas.[name] = 'dbo'

--AND dbtables.[name] = 'RPV_MAGPLANBEL'

AND dbindexes.[name] IS NOT NULL

ORDER BY indexstats.page_count DESC;

--ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC;

OPEN @getTables;

FETCH NEXT FROM @getTables into @TableName, @IndexName;


WHILE @i < 1 AND @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 -- Set @i to bigger number when page count is getting smaller




--set @command = N'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @TableName + N' REBUILD;'; -- WITH (ONLINE=ON);'; for enterprise version only

set @command = N'ALTER INDEX ' + @IndexName + N' ON ' + @TableName + N' REBUILD;';



--WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01';


EXEC (@command);



PRINT('Rebuilding Index completed.');








WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'; -- wait 5s to release suspended sessions

FETCH NEXT FROM @getTables into @TableName, @IndexName;

SET @i = @i + 1;


CLOSE @getTables;

DEALLOCATE @getTables; 



PRINT('All indexes rebuilt.');


4. PS: WITH (ONLINE=ON) condition.

While running ALTER INDEX (ALL) REBUILD, there’s an optional parameter called ONLINE.

If we set ONLINE=ON, that makes targeted index still available during most time of rebuild process, but that’s only available for SQL Server Enterprise version.


Thingworx心得之Events Router与Expression的限制

1.     Events Router的限制


比如,我们不能直接利用某个ServiceExpression直接给Property赋值,而只能通过Data Binging的方式进行绑定,并且一个Property只能绑定一个数据源。

但是有时候我们有多个数据源,这时就需要自己写Service或者使用Events Router组件。

如下图所示,我们希望点击“Output A”,则输出A;点击“Output B”,则输出列表选中的数据。

其中,列表选中项先绑定到Mashup参数Input2,以模拟Contained Mashup传递的参数。


1)     点击Output A,输出A,正确。

2)     列表选中Area,点击Output B,输出Area,正确。

3)     点击Output A,输出A,正确。

4)     列表选中Area,点击Output B,输出A,错误!

这是因为,Input 1对应的数据来自于Expression输出,每次执行以后,系统都会认为其值已变化(Data Change Type=Always,尽管数值可能不变)。而Input2对应的数据来自于Mashup参数,只有其数值变化时系统才会认为其值已变化。


解决办法是强制让Input2发生变化,如增加一个Events Router,并将Events Router 1Output作为Input1,这样的效果相当于Output A执行时,将Input 2强制复位:

2.     Expression的限制


1)     不能定义临时变量。

2)     不能输出InfoTable

3)     只有Changed事件,没有ServiceInvokeCompleted事件,因此无法严格区分多个Expression的执行顺序。




美剧式的笑傲江湖 - 游戏《巫师3》赏析

去年买了台二手XBOX ONE,玩了很多畅销大作,如《使命召唤》、《战地》、《绝地求生》、《刺客信条》、《FIFA》等,也利用XGP帐号玩了很多免费游戏如《荒野大飙客2》,但是我最爱的还是《巫师3》。















《巫师3》的游戏类型为ACTION RPG,有其丰富的动作系统:钢剑砍人兽,银剑斩妖魔,另外还有法印、剑油、炸弹、魔药等,既有物理攻击,也有魔法攻击,手残的玩家也可以通过跳跃闪避苟活。虽然不是最出色的,但是可玩性还是颇高的,特别是注魔后的剑舞很好看。



1)     角色技能里激活“美食家”,吃食物时能够自动回血。

2)     冥想能够满血,并补充煎药和炸弹。

3)     常备煎药:猫眼夜视、金莺防毒、拉法达回血、鲸心屏气。

4)     可以通过寻宝任务获得猫派或狮鹫派的装备蓝图,然后找工匠打造全套装备。

5)     激活《石之心》DLC后,执行支线任务“注魔”,完成后可以为剑注魔,比如“断裂”、“护身”。注入“断裂”后的剑舞又秀又能打。

6)     增加金币的最简单方法是消灭流氓和盗贼,然后捡他们的兵器换钱。

7)     与商人和工匠换钱时,如果对方金币不够,可用冥想跳时间,一般跳个五六天对方金币又增加了。






1.     企业在数据的获取上几乎免费,在数据的使用上几乎不受限制,在数据的保护上几乎没有责任。
2.     当信息作为一种观点时,企业作为技术中立方,免受舆论的指责。
3.     当信息作为一种商品时,企业利用免费策略向新兴领域进行倾销,却没有受到惩罚。
1.     数据的拥有者是用户,但是用户很少实质上拥有数据的归属权。企业在获取数据时,没有向用户付费。很多企业偷偷地采集数据时,却没有告知用户。当用户数据丢失时,企业也没有给用户赔偿。
2.     很多平台自动从网上采集信息,然后通过算法自动向用户推送,事实上起到了媒体的作用。和传统媒体的区别是用算法代替了编辑,此外用户评论作为即时反馈会放大文章的舆论力量。
3.     即便我们承认全球化和自由贸易,但是一定程度的贸易保护是不可或缺的。而信息服务是一种特殊的商品,网络贸易保护的正面例子是百度战胜谷歌,负面例子是欧洲在社交应用领域全面溃败。










Thingworx Analytics Introduction 3/3: Time Series Data TTF Prediction

This is the 3rd article of series: Thingworx Analytics introduction.
1st article introduces Analytics Function and Modules.
2nd article introduces Non Time Series TTF prediction.

Environment: Thingworx Platform 8.5, Analytics Server 8.5, Analytics Extension 8.5.

In TTF prediction, Time Series Data model is better than Non Time Series Data model.
What’s Time Series Data model?
As per Machine Learning concept, the process of training model is to find the best matching parameters, and to use them to combine with features to calculate the result values.
For Non Time Series Data models, it’s not relevant between current values and previous values.
But for Time Series Data, during each time of calculation, it will check not only current values, but also previous values, and the previous values are time relevant.
There’re 2 important terms here: look back size, and data sampling frequency.
Look back size = numbers of data samples need to look back.
Data sampling frequency = the frequency of taking a new data sample.
Look back size * Data sampling frequency = the total numbers will be feed to run calculation, for which I call it Look back area, the data is queried from Value Stream, with maxItems = look back size, and startDate = current date – look back area.
For example, if look back size = 4, data sampling frequency = 1 minute, then look back area = 4 minutes.
Thingworx used Value Stream to log Time Series Data, we can run service of QueryProperyHistory to get historic data:

Some other notes for TTF prediction models:
• Always set useRedundancyFilter = true
• Always set useGoalHistory = false
• Always set lookahead = 1
• Training time is much longer than Non Time Series data

After the model is published, test of model requires to input not only current values of all features, but also previous values as defined in look back size, than click Add Row to add the new record.
When creating Analysis Events, please be noted that the Thing Properties of Inputs Mapping should be Logged, because only Logged Properties can be queried with historic values from Value Stream.
And for Results Mapping, if we bind the result to Thing Property, even if that Property is set Logged, somehow the update by Analytics will not be logged into Value Stream. We can create another Property, and bind it with Results Mapping, and sync it with the final Property you’re monitoring by Service or Subscription, and Log it into Value Stream. After that, we can track all of the historic changes with TimeSeriesChart.
Below charts show the comparison between Time Series Data models predicted TTFs and actual TTFs.

We can see that, compare to Non Time Series models, the prediction is much more accurate, and is faster to match the actual TTF curve.
Below table lists out the settings of all models:

Another note, to make sure to write all features into Value Stream in same moment in same record, we should use UpdatePropertyValues instead of SetPropertyValues.
Some codes for reference:
// Use UpdatePropertyValues to make sure to update all attribute in the same moment

var params = {
    infoTableName : "InfoTable",
    dataShapeName : "NamedVTQ"

// CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(VSTestDataShape)
var tempDable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);

var time = new Date();
       time: time,
    name: "F1",
    quality: "GOOD",
    value: 71

       time: time,
    name: "F2",
    quality: "GOOD",
    value: 72

       time: time,
    name: "F3",
    quality: "GOOD",
    value: 73

       time: time,
    name: "F4",
    quality: "GOOD",
    value: 74

       time: time,
    name: "F5",
    quality: "GOOD",
    value: 75

       values: tempDable /* INFOTABLE */

var result = tempDable;


Thingworx Analytics Introduction 2/3: Non Time Series TTF Prediction

This is the 2nd article of series: Thingworx Analytics introduction.
1st article introduces Analytics Function and Modules.
3rd article introduces Time Series TTF prediction.

This article is for TTF(Time to Failure) prediction, it is quite useful in IoT applications.
Environment: Thingworx Platform 8.5, Analytics Server 8.5, Analytics Extension 8.5.

Step 1, configure Analytics setting.
Click Analytics icon >> Analytics Manager >> Analysis Providers, create a new Analysis Provider, Connector = TW.AnalysisServices.AnalyticsServer.AnalyticsServerConnector.
Click Analytics Builder >> Setting, select and set Analytics Server.

Step 2, create Analysis Data.
We need to prepare a CSV format data file and a JSON format data type file.
For CSV file, its 1st line is its header, should be equivalent with definition in JSON file.
JSON file structure can refer to:
              "fieldName": "s2",
              "values": null,
              "range": null,
              "dataType": "DOUBLE",
              "opType": "CONTINUOUS",
              "timeSamplingInterval": null,
              "isStatic": false
              "fieldName": "s3",
              "values": null,
              "range": null,
              "dataType": "DOUBLE",
              "opType": "CONTINUOUS",
              "timeSamplingInterval": null,
              "isStatic": false
CSV file includes below information:
• goalField, for result checking.
• key parameters fields.
• Data filter field, e.g. we can use filed record_purpose to filter training data out of scoring data, while training data is for model training, and scoring data is for validation or test.
• If the dataset type is time series data, we need to create 2 additional fields to identify AssetID(sequence of failure) and Cycle(cycle number inside AssetID).

Here I used a public NASA dataset for training, download URL:
When data is ready, click Analytics Builder >> Data >> New..
Select CSV file and JSON file, check option of “Review uploaded metadata”.
For most parameter fields, the data type should be Continuous.
And for goal filed, data type should be Continuous or Boolean, in this example we use Continuous.
Click “Create Dataset”.
When it’s done, the newly created Data will be showed in Datasets list.
Select the data, and click Dataset >> View >> Filters >> New, to create filter.

Step 3, create Machine Learning model.
Click Analytics Builder >> Models >> New.
Select dataset, and select goal field and filter, and select excluded fields:

Click Advanced Model Configuration:

In Machine Learning, normally we split data into training set, validation set, and test set, with rate of 60%, 20%, 20%.
In this step, we can use Filter to filter out test data, and use Validation Holdout % to define percentage of validation, we can use default setting of 20%.
Learning Techniques includes possible Machine Learning algorithms, we can manually add algorithms and modify parameters.
For each new model, I’d suggest to training it with different algorithms, and test them to get the most accurate one.
For same algorithm, we can train it with different parameters.
Ensemble Technique is the mix method of multiple algorithms, we can try and test with different settings.
My training methods:

Click Submit to create model.
For small dataset, it requires little training time, but for time series data, it requires much longer training time.
For any dataset, the data size is bigger, the training time is longer.
When it’s done, we can find the new model in Analytics Builder >> Models.
Select the model and click View, then we can see the model information.
Select the model and click Publish, then we can publish it to Analytics Manager, we can see it in Analytics Manager >> Analytics Models, and a Test Page will pop up.

Step 4, test model.
The test page will pop up when model is published, and we can also access it by: Click Analytics Manager >> Analysis Models, select model, click View >> Test:

For causalTechnique, normally we set it as FULL_RANGE.
For goalField, input name of goal field.
Then input values of all features/sensors, and click Add Row. In case of time series data, we need to add multiple rows for it.
Select 1st row, click Set Parent Row, then click Submit Job.
System will calculate and get result based on model and input values.
It might take a few seconds for calculation.
Under below Results Data Shape, select AnalyticsServerConnector.xxx, click Refresh Job, then you can see the result value.
For more detail information, you can check from Analysis Jobs.

Step 5, set automatic calculation.
After model creation, we might monitor it for some time, to check the prediction with actual values.
Take the NASA data for example, we could use some of its data for comparison, you may refer to below steps.
Firstly, build a Data Table, load CSV data into it.
Then build a Thing, create attributes mapping with model features.
Then create a Timer, to read data from Data Table and write value into Thing timely, and use these data for test.
Click Analytics Manager >> Analysis Models, enable the newly created model.
Click Analysis Events >> New, set Source Type = Thing, set Source as newly created Thing, set Event = DataChange, set Property as trigger attribute.
Save and create new Event under Analysis Events, click Map Data >> Inputs Mapping, set Source Type = Thing, and bind model features with Thing Property.
Tips: model feature names are started with _, and that causalTechnique & goalField can use static values. So if we defined such features in Thing, we can use Map All in this step, which will map all features automatically.
Then click Results Mapping, bind the test result with Thing Property. Please be noted, system generated result will be updated, but will NOT be logged into Value Stream, so we need to build another Property, and use Service to sync the data and log to Value Stream eventually.
When Event is setup, system will monitor and trigger automatically, and output value by calling internal Analytics API.
For both manual test and Event calculation, we can see the details in Analysis Jobs.
My TTF Demo Mashup for reference:

Comparison of different models:

Some notes:
• If you didn’t’ install Analytics Platform, then Analytics will run job in Synchronous mode. That means if many jobs are submitted in same time, then only 1 job will be running in that moment, and the other jobs will be pending(state=waiting). To avoid waiting jobs, we can manually create multiple trigger properties, and use PAUSE in JavaScript to delay the time in purpose.
• If raw data has many features, we can build a smaller model with 2 features, and use it to train and test, to find issues in modeling, and to optimize logic in Data Table/Thing/Timer, then extend to all features.
• Be cautious of using Timer, because wrong operations might cause mass data in Value Stream, or generate lots of Waiting Jobs. Too many Waiting Jobs will block analysis and prediction. We can use Resource of TW.AnalysisServices.JobManagementServicesAPI.DeleteJobs to delete jobs by force, and we can check Job’s total number by running Data Table’s Service of TW.AnalysisServices.AnalysisDataTable.GetDataTableEntryCounts.

Thingworx Analytics Introduction 1/3:Analytics Function and Modules

This is the first article of series: Thingworx Analytics introduction.
2nd article introduces Non Time Series TTF(Time to Failure) prediction.
3rd article introduces Time Series TTF prediction.

In year 2015, PTC acquired Machine Learning company ColdLight, and integrate its products into Thingworx, and renamed to Thingworx Analytics.
PTC Thingworx Analytics Help Site lists its functions:
• Explanatory Analytics: such as to identify a signal’s value
• Descriptive Analytics: such as calculation of average value, median value, and standard deviation value.
• Model Generation: model creation of prediction, includes some popular Machine Learning algorithm.
• Predictive Scoring: to predict result value based on trained model and parameters.
• Prescriptive Scoring: to change result values by modifying model parameters.
• Confidence Models: convert prediction result into rates of value ranges.
• Anomaly Detection: to filter out abnormal signals by comparing high and low limits.
• Time Series Predictions: some signal are time series related, so for each time of prediction, besides checking current values, it will also check the values of previous cycles.
• Learners and Ensemble Techniques: Machine Learning algorithm and mixing method.

Analytics implemented these Machine Learning algorithm:
• Linear Regression
• Logistic Regression
• Decision Tree
• Neural Network
• Random Forest
• Gradient Boost

And let’s see Analytics modules.
Analytics has 3 installation modules: Analytics Server, Analytics Platform, Analytics Client(extension).
When Analytics Server is installed, it will add these services into Windows OS:
• twas-analytics-worker-1
• twas-analytics-worker-2
• twas-analytics-worker-3
• twas-async-ms
• twas-sync-ms
• twas-twx-adapter
• twas-zookeeper

And create these entities into Thingworx platform:
• StatisticalCalculationMicroserver, with some SPC calculation services.
• StatisticalMonitoringMicroserver, with some SPC distribution services.
• Some Thing entities with AnalyticsServer in names, can be found in Monitoring >> Remote Things, it can also be accessed by Thingworx Server API.
• Data Tables with prefix of TW.AnalysisService, they’re Database of Analytics.
• Resources with prefix of TW.AnalysisService, mapping with Analytics Builder functions.

Analytics Platform is an independent module, it can improve performance, and we can run basic prediction with it.
Analytics Client can be installed as an extension, Thingworx will add an Analytics icon after installation in left action bar.
Analytics action bar has 2 categories of functions: Builder and Manager. Builder is for model building, and Manager is for background handling.