In vehicle’s Final Assembly Shop, there’re Error Proofing requests
of Marking, Filling and Gluing, all of them have interaction with MES.
Marking Error Proofing
There’re 2 types of marking: plate marking, body marking.
Vehicle brand plate is a metal plate with vehicle’s basic
information, such as model type, VIN number, Engine type, weight, plant number,
build date, etc. The plate is cover by a layer of black material, and the Laser
Marking machine will mark data by removing material accordingly.
As for body marking, marking machine will mark data into surface of
vehicle body/chassis/engine/transmission.
Plate marking can be done in advance outside of line.
Body marking can only operate in lineside when vehicle comes to
From point of view of MES, they are very similar logically.
Marking machine is working together with a specific PC, which talks
with MES to get marking data and then sends to marking machine.
Diagram 2.11-1 shows key process of Marking Error Proofing:
Diagram 2.11-1: Marking Error Proofing
Key process:
When vehicle passes PBS Out,
MES sends VIN number and marking data to marking PC, and print out assembly
When vehicle comes to marking
station, worker scans VIN number of assembly sheet, then marking PC will valid
it with its VIN sequence, if OK then find the marking data and sends to marking
machine for marking operations.
Filling Error Proofing
In vehicle’s
Final Assembly Shop, there’re filling operations of Coolant/brake fluid/refrigerant/oil.
Normally the
filling operation is done by machine automatically, and is controlled by PLC.
So it’s quite
different than marking operations.
Diagram 2.11-2
shows key process of Filling Error Proofing:
Diagram 2.11-2: Filling Error Proofing
Key Process:
When vehicle comes to head
station of line, Error Proofing PLC reads RFID to get VIN, then requests MES to
get Filling parameters, and stores them in its Data Blocks.
When vehicle comes to Filling
station, Error Proofing PLC sends VIN number together with its Filling
parameters to Filling device PLC, then Filling device PLC will execute Filling
operations accordingly.
Gluing Error Proofing
Gluing process is quite similar as Filling process, it’s also controlled
by PLC in lineside.
But Gluing has a unique requirement: the whole gluing and assembly process
must be completed within specific time, otherwise the glue will be invalid and
Diagram 2.11-3 shows key process of Gluing Error Proofing:
Diagram 2.11-3: Gluing Error Proofing
Key process:
When vehicle comes to head
station of line, Error Proofing PLC reads RFID to get VIN number, then requests
MES to download Gluing parameters, and then stores data in its Data Blocks.
When vehicle comes to Gluing
station, Error Proofing PLC sends VIN number together with Gluing parameters to
device PLC, then device PLC will execute Gluing operations accordingly. When
Gluing operation is done, device PLC sends its completion time of that station
to Error Proofing PLC.
When vehicle comes to assembly
station, Error Proofing PLC sends VIN number and its Gluing completion time to
device PLC, then device PLC will validate the Gluing completion time. If
validation OK then do further operations.