Normally passenger cars include family car, SUV and MPV.
Car body is the main frame of a car, is welded by steel plates, and then
chassis, engine, transmission, interior are assembled into car body. The car
body is welded into a cage form, to expand car space and reduce impact from
outside damage.
The building process of a passenger car has 4 parts: punching,
welding, painting, and assembly.
3D CAD software is used to design car body, and the 3D model is also
used to design metal sheet and fixtures.
In welding process, process engineer will use 3D CAD model to design
punching fixtures. The punch machine will setup fixtures and load rolls of
metal sheet, and output component sheet according to the fixture. In punch
shop, MES key function is to monitor real time status of devices, because its
availability decides whole operation efficiency.
In welding process, robots will weld component sheet into car body.
The welding quality has big impact to vehicle safety. The professional software
is used to measure the gap between designed welding points and actual welding
points. The welded car body will be transferred to WBS(Welded Body Store).
The key operations of welding:
Welding engine cabinet, front
floor, back floor.
Weld these 3 parts into car
Weld left side and right side.
Weld left/right sides into car
Weld doors.
Below diagram shows key components of car body:
Diagram 1.1-1: key components of car body
Below diagram shows key welding process:
Diagram 1.1-2: key welding process
In Weld shop, MES key functions is to download Orders to Lift-on
stations, such as Engine cabinet, front floor, back floor, left side, right
side. MES downloads Sales Orders from ERP, then generate Work Orders, and then
sequence Work Orders, then downloads to machine PLCs. Machines/robots will
build car components based on model type and Order attributes stored in PLC.
In painting process, a car body will take bottom painting, middle
painting, top painting, and heating operations. Most operations will be operated
by machines. The painted bodies will be transferred to PBS(Painted Body Store).
Painting shop has lots of process segments, most of them will be
done by machines automatically, and can also be repaired by manually. MES
together with PLC can deliver cars to repair areas automatically.
Below diagram shows key painting process:
Diagram 1.1-3: key painting process
In final assembly, car needs to install Trim, Chassis and all other
components, and will run test.
Key process includes:
Transfer vehicle from PBS based
on route rules.
In front trim line, install
passenger cabinet parts, dashboard, sunroof.
In chassis line, install
chassis, engine, transmission.
In back trim line, install
tires, chairs, doors.
In final line, install accessories,
fill liquids, take visual inspection.
In test line, write software,
and test wheel positioning, lamps, gas.
Building in sub-assembly lines
such as doors, dashboard, engine.
In final assembly shop, most parts are assembled by manually, it
relates delivery of lots of materials. MES key functions include: assembly
instruction, error proofing, material pull, equipment integration.
Below diagram shows key process of final assembly:
Diagram 1.1-4: key process of final assembly
Below diagram shows over all
process of a car plant:
1.1-5: over all process of a car plant